Monday, November 10, 2008

White Sunglasses

I rode past a woman in a sleek new BMW this morning. She had a cute short haircut that she had decided to spike with an ungodly amount of gel. She was talking on her bluetooth. It was white. Never seen a white bluetooth headset before. She had on white, seemingly Gucci, sunglasses.

Here's the rant: Just because they make it doesn't mean you should wear it. I don't care what label they slap on it. White sunglasses, especially in November on the east coast, are not cute. They are actually quite gaudy.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to agree with you on this one. White sunglasses, on the east coast, in November is definitely a bad move, even if they are Gucci. It's almost ghetto. Or maybe it'a a move made by somebody who got a great deal on a pair of sunglasses, has no fashion sense, and is a hopeless show off. Either way, it's bad.