Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Getting The Hang Of This

I wrote a great rant today about something I experienced, and then I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't post this. I mean, what if someone trips across this? I did share my blog with a couple of folks at work when I was ranting about the mouse in my house. What if they visit it often?"

Here's the rant: Why didn't someone explain to me the beauty of blogging before I started this thing? I never should have shared this with people that I don't want to know my business. This would've been such an awesome place to anonymously vent. Oh well. Guess I'll have to save that posting for my book.

1 comment:

Call Me Cate said...

Your rant speaks the truth. I have another blog and online identity that are VERY closely associated with my "real" identity. Due to coworkers, family members, etc, I started the second blog. It seems odd but I'm so much more free to speak my mind in my second identity. I'd never post about the things I do if I thought certain people might stumble upon them.